Samuel Poots

Samuel Poots is a writer from N. Ireland who communicates primarily through Pratchett quotes. He works as the content editor for the tabletop gaming website OnTableTop and assures everyone that playing board games is a real job, really.

When not writing pieces of horror, fantasy, and comedy he can usually be found wandering around the north coast. If found, please give him a cup of tea and send him home via the nearest post office.

* Winner of the 2018 Story of the Year Award for The Glass-Eyed Girl *

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See Me

Look at me. For the love of God, please just look at me. I see you walking past: talking, laughing, living. Not one of you ever stops and looks down, down into the river where he left me. Would you even see me? I don’t know, but would it hurt … Continue reading

The Glass-Eyed Girl

* Winner of the 2018 Story of the Year Award * When was your first? That is always what we ask one another. When and what? When in your life was that moment, the time that revealed the world to you and sent you scurrying under the bed sheets? When … Continue reading