Juliana S Mills

Juliana Spink Mills moved from England to Brazil at the age of eight, which probably explains her love of stories that take the reader through rabbit holes or wardrobes and into strange, new worlds.
Most of her work is middle grade or young adult fantasy, but she does enjoy the odd foray into adult speculative fiction.
She currently lives in Connecticut, USA. When not busy driving her kids around, she can usually be found immersed in words or sipping peppermint tea at her local bookstore.
* Winner of the 2021 Story of the Year Award for The End of all Things *
* Winner of the 2015 Story of the Year Award for Ripped Away *
Website : www.jspinkmills.com
Twitter : @JSpinkMills
* Winner of the 2021 Story of the Year Award * All in all, the end of the world turned out to be a little disappointing. Elodie had expected something more dramatic. Spectacular explosions, perhaps, followed by a tunnel of light. She hadn’t even experienced her life flashing by in … Continue reading
The muttering and murmuring of a thousand angelic voices filled the stark white space. Seleniel smiled at the newbie and patted the chair beside her. “Come, sit down.” She picked up her headset and switched on her computer. “Our shift starts in a minute. It’s 5 a.m. on the US … Continue reading
* Winner of the 2015 Story of the Year Award * George found the rip in the fabric of space on a Thursday morning, some time after elevenses. He leant over to throw away his empty packet of rich tea biscuits and there it was, a tiny hole hanging in … Continue reading
Do you see that little star, just by that big, blinking one? Yes, I know the blinking thing is a plane, but there, right by it, see? So small, so lost in the sky. A new star. It was in the papers, you know? I tried to show them, it … Continue reading